K O N Z E R T E * V E R A N S T A L T U N G E N |
Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2005 ab 21h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage Norwegian Noise European Tour 2006 RYFYLKE - Oslo/N "Ryfylke
consisting of Sten Ove Toft and Stian Skagen stands out as some of the
most interesting and sofisticated sound artists in Norway today. After
their internationaly honored debut album 'Boknafjord' (2004), the duo
has performed heavily around in Norway and in February/March 2005 they
finished their first european tour with exclusively positive feedback
all over the continent. & Der Tapeman "Der Tapeman ist eine der verstörendsten Erscheinungen innerhalb der Berliner Elektronikszene. Seine Auftritte ähneln brutalen Anschlägen, die das Gewebe der Wirklichkeit zerstören und Tore öffnen, die Zugang in fremde Dimensionen ermöglichen. "Auftritte von Tapeman vergisst man sein Leben lang nicht", schrieb der Tagesspiegel über ihn. Er selbst sagt jedoch: "Ich bin kein Musiker.Ich habe eine Welt zu retten." " ~ ~ Freitag, 10. Februar 2005 ab 21h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage Goodbye to Berlin 2006-2011 Goodiepal - Faröer Inseln/DK Laptop, Mechanical Bird & Voc/ Whistles "The music of Goodiepal et cetera is often described as emanating from playgrounds, fairgrounds and other surreal grounds. Yet that image is wrong. The significance of his music is found in other constellations: It is the sound of death. Though death in the form of play." & Daisuke Ishida - Tokyo/JAP Laptop, Synths Daisuke Ishida is a sound artist, born in Tokyo in 1980. He started his solo activities in 2000 and treats sound as objects which he bends into simple groove sequences, gradations minimum to maximum. He participates in MobLab: Japanese-German media camp 2005 and is a member of The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA and The SINE WAVE QUARTET, both founded 2002. ~ ~ Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2005 ab 22h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage TERMINALBEACH networked cinematographics eine Kollaboration zwischen PURE - Mego, dOc, Staalplaat/ Wien (A) und Erich Berger - cronica electronica/ Oslo (N). Tonträgerunterhaltung: DJ Eric B w/o Rakim
PAST SHOWS Freitag, 18. November 2005 ab 22h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage
Everest - Everest Records - Bern (CH): Heimlich Maneuver Tour 2005 Heimlich Maneuver is the second release of Everest. The work of Swiss label owners and producers Matu and Meienberg is ambient-driven electronic music with a distinctive love for organic sounds. Matu and Meienberg use a wide variety of self-constructed, fragmented and repeating samples, abstract beats and melodic soundscapes. The twelve pieces are sometimes with rhythm, sometime only melodies and sounds.The music shifts between cool electronica and dark,unfamiliar sounds that creep in to build an atmosphere that is as hypnotic as it is disorientating. Its unlikely you'll have heard anything quite like this before..." Das Duo EVEREST besteht aus den umtriebigen Bernern MEIENBERG und MATU, welche das Label everestrecords führen, als r3s3t electronic forum Konzerte veranstalten, einen Laden (mit Club-Charakter) unter dem Namen r3s3t market führen, die letzten beiden Ausgaben der Contemporary Culture Convention (CCC) kuratierten und mit Plate jetzt auch noch eine Booking-Agentur ins Leben gerufen haben!! Als EVEREST komponieren sie elektronische Konstrukte, die auf wunderbare Art komplexe Strukturen mit groovenden Beats verbinden, die zwar vor Techno nicht denkbar gewesen wären, aber niemals einer Beliebigkeit oder Tanzbarkeit verfallen. + Dubbed-out
producer duo Dejot and Dustbowl have set out to conquer
the world on streets unspoilt by the corporate music business. Going
by the name of filewile, the pair have created an agile musical force
that won't be ignored. Armed with two portable computers, a mobile sound
system and a speedily increasing array of tunes, filewile play out on
the streets and in clubs to curious by passers and dance floor punters
alike. ~~ Sonnabend, 19. November 2005 ab 22h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage Kim
Cascone - laptop KGB is an improvising band. The unusual ensemble of Kim Cascone on laptop, Guido Henneböhl on geräte (homemade electronics) and Brendan Dougherty on drumset creates a new sound - veering away from the typical laptop/improv style and incorporating more analog noise and freejazz elements. The three members of the group supply not only a wide variety of backgrounds (computer music, free jazz, noise) but the unusual instrumentation of the trio allows them to cover the full range of sounds from digital to analogto acoustic. Cascone met the duo of Henneböhl and Dougherty during one of his yearly trips to Berlin and the group immediately gelled - fusing together the distinguished sounds of one of the pioneers of improvised electronics with some of the most extreme improvisation of the Berlin underground. The music of KGB places great importance on its sounds and presents these sounds through improvisations which travel through ambient soundscapes, energetic chaos and carefully structured compositions. + Dörner/Dougherty/Linson
"The trio of Dörner/Dougherty/Linson originated out of the new music series at Zapp Live Gallery, Berlin. The trio features three musicians, each well accomplished in the fields of electronic and composed music, but performing here on their respective acoustic instruments." + Ignaz Schick (DE) - solo electronics ~~ Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2005 ab 21h Einweihungsparty, Zentrale Randlage SCHAUFENSTER Infovortrag über das Projekt und den Verein, Videoperformance von Piotr Baran, Filme von Lasse Brandt, Versteigerung von Kunstwerken der Mitglieder, internationale Live-Musik mit und Tanzmusik mit DJs Housewarmingparty with informative lecture about the art association and the Berlin project, video performance by Piotr Baran, films by Lasse Brandt, auction of members art works, live music and dance DJs. ~~ Freitag, 2. September 2005 ab 21h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage
THE NAONIANS - Pordenone (I) Kid
Weird: voc, guitar, drum machines,
electronics Visuals: Basmati - Bologna (I) Kid Weird and Zelda Panda know each other for over ten years. They are very best friends and used to play together in a homemade naif punkband molotov's bitch, when they were teen-agers. The two are now busy in graphics, djing and solo projects. Since they have always been fan of each other's stuff, they finally decided to play together mixing their styles and shaking their hips on the same stage. Kid Weird is the leader of The Combo, an Italian underground band of five elements that mixes rock'n'roll, disco and punk. With her project Marzipan Marzipan Zelda Panda takes part in Berlin's pop-experimental music scene as a singer /songwriter, playing some eclectic crossover of country and lo-fi discodance. As The Naonians they shake up dirty electro-pop, 30's swing, morriconian atmospheres and charmaing beats to deliver fresh glasses full of oniric jelly.
~~ Sonnabend, 3. September 2005 ab 21h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage NO
GUNS - phonector
- Berlin Christoph
- samples & laptop Noisy loops in Verbindung mit einer klassischen Rockbandbesetzung... trondheym - Berlin gerhardschmitt
- Guitarre & Laptop Visuals: Iris Piers - Rotterdam (NL) ~~ PAST EVENTS Sonnabend, 18. Juni 2005 von 12-20 Uhr, Zentrale Randlage PHONOflohmarkt Verkauft
oder tauscht Eure alten Schallplatten, CDs, Musik-DVDs, DJ-Equipment,
Musikinstrumente, Soundkarten, Mikrophone, Mixer, etc. Ab
September monatlich. Eintritt frei!
Novalastic and the Light Designist Network Novalastic,
fusing spacing electornic sound scapes with slow, fast, and bassy breakbeats
with almost eyes closed and words spitting out through a microphone
as fast or slow as the feeling of sound. ~~ Freitag, 17. Juni 2005 ab 22h Filmabend, Zentrale Randlage Moderation:
minimatika Filmemacher(i)nnen
können wieder ihre selbstgedrehten Werke der Kurzfilmkunst juryfrei
einem interessierten Publikum vorstellen und bekommen die Gelegenheit
eines direkten Feedbacks. Das Publikum bekommt "Rote Karten"
ausgehändigt und kann einen Filme mehrheitlich stoppen. INDEPENDENT
FILM NETWORK BERLIN ~~ Sonnabend, 7. Mai 2005 ab 21h Konzert, Zentrale Randlage
Erik Bünger Ensemble - Stockholm (SE) Instruction Trio Laptops, Joysticks & Videoprojektion "Three
musicians controlling three other musicians. Those whose main criteria
of musical ability is control,
~~ Sonnabend, 28. April 2005 ab 21h, Kap Arkona
~~ Sonnabend, 16. April 2005 ab 21h, Konzert Kap Arkona
voice & electronics
Die Perlenperücken
- Nudgeton/ USA ~~ ~~ |